‘The super rubbish of superfoods’

A few months ago, a cousin living abroad messaged asking for an Indian diet plan. I told her she didn’t need one, but she anyway found an Indian site that apparently ‘reverses’ diseases with food (that itself should have been a big red flag) and then sent me an exotic, expensive diet plan that she had been prescribed, full of items like chia, quinoa, kale and other new age, yoga asana-like meme foods. Seriously!

‘The super rubbish of superfoods’
A few months ago, a cousin living abroad messaged asking for an Indian diet plan. I told her she didn’t need one, but she anyway found an Indian site that apparently ‘reverses’ diseases with food (that itself should have been a big red flag) and then sent me an exotic, expensive diet plan that she had been prescribed, full of items like chia, quinoa, kale and other new age, yoga asana-like meme foods. Seriously!