In hurry to use funds, Smart City, Public works department take up work without study

Rushing to spend Rs 120 crore of unutilised AMRUT funds, Imagine Panaji Smart City Development Ltd and the State Level High Powered committee sanctioned funds to PWD to upgrade the city’s sewerage network. In the hurry, PWD floated a tender for the works without undertaking a detailed study and estimate of the sewerage project in six sewage wards of Panaji.

In hurry to use funds, Smart City, Public works department take up work without study
Rushing to spend Rs 120 crore of unutilised AMRUT funds, Imagine Panaji Smart City Development Ltd and the State Level High Powered committee sanctioned funds to PWD to upgrade the city’s sewerage network. In the hurry, PWD floated a tender for the works without undertaking a detailed study and estimate of the sewerage project in six sewage wards of Panaji.