In a first, Goa may get green booths made by artisans for 2022 elections
In a first, Goa may get green booths made by artisans for 2022 elections
Not very often is much thought given to the fact that elections generate a lot of non-biodegradable material, which are used in campaigning as well as at polling booths. Now, the office of the chief electoral officer, Goa, and the Goa state biodiversity board (GSBB) have taken an initiative to design a model for eco-friendly election booths with fully biodegradable material.
Not very often is much thought given to the fact that elections generate a lot of non-biodegradable material, which are used in campaigning as well as at polling booths. Now, the office of the chief electoral officer, Goa, and the Goa state biodiversity board (GSBB) have taken an initiative to design a model for eco-friendly election booths with fully biodegradable material.