Hotel satellite units being shut after case dip in Kolkata
Hotel satellite units being shut after case dip in Kolkata
Satellite centres in hotels opened by hospitals during the peak period of the second wave are now gradually closing down following a sharp fall in positivity rate over the last fortnight. Even stadiums that were converted into field hospitals, like Kishore Bharati and Salt Lake stadium, are being utilized as vaccination centres by the hospitals. These units accommodated Covid patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms, where the attached hospital treated them under the care and guidance of their medical teams.
Satellite centres in hotels opened by hospitals during the peak period of the second wave are now gradually closing down following a sharp fall in positivity rate over the last fortnight. Even stadiums that were converted into field hospitals, like Kishore Bharati and Salt Lake stadium, are being utilized as vaccination centres by the hospitals. These units accommodated Covid patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms, where the attached hospital treated them under the care and guidance of their medical teams.