Star hotels tie up with hosps to house patients

Soon, five-star hotels such as InterContinental at Marine Drive and Trident at BKC will be used as "step-down facilities" for Covid patients from major private hospitals in the city who are on the road to recovery or require minimal medical intervention. In a circular issued on April 14, the BMC has said that such facilities at star hotels will serve as an extension and an integral part of private hospitals.

Star hotels tie up with hosps to house patients
Soon, five-star hotels such as InterContinental at Marine Drive and Trident at BKC will be used as "step-down facilities" for Covid patients from major private hospitals in the city who are on the road to recovery or require minimal medical intervention. In a circular issued on April 14, the BMC has said that such facilities at star hotels will serve as an extension and an integral part of private hospitals.