Only Rs 16 crore of Rs 608.4 crore plan spent by Panaji Smart City
Only Rs 16 crore of Rs 608.4 crore plan spent by Panaji Smart City
Marred by delay in allocation of funds and faulty prioritisation of projects, the Centre’s ambitious Smart City Mission appears to have floundered in Goa. Five years after Panaji was put on the fast track to smartness on the basis of a Rs 608.4 crore planned outlay, the Union ministry of housing and urban affairs (MoHUA) said that just Rs 16.2 crore has been spent till date on 10 projects, most of them being beautification works.
Marred by delay in allocation of funds and faulty prioritisation of projects, the Centre’s ambitious Smart City Mission appears to have floundered in Goa. Five years after Panaji was put on the fast track to smartness on the basis of a Rs 608.4 crore planned outlay, the Union ministry of housing and urban affairs (MoHUA) said that just Rs 16.2 crore has been spent till date on 10 projects, most of them being beautification works.