No. of women pursuing PhDs in Goa up over 5 times in 3 yrs
No. of women pursuing PhDs in Goa up over 5 times in 3 yrs
ver the last three years, the number of women pursuing PhD programmes in Goa has gone up more than five times — from 41 in 2017-18, to 216 in 2019-20 — as per the latest All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE). While the number of men pursuing doctorate studies in Goa has also risen, the increase is steady considering the backlog of students as PhDs are often pursued over a long period of time.
ver the last three years, the number of women pursuing PhD programmes in Goa has gone up more than five times — from 41 in 2017-18, to 216 in 2019-20 — as per the latest All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE). While the number of men pursuing doctorate studies in Goa has also risen, the increase is steady considering the backlog of students as PhDs are often pursued over a long period of time.