Kol: Schools prepare list of defaulting parents

The three- week period that the Calcutta High Court had allowed to defaulting parents for paying at least 50% of the pending tuition fee arrears came to an end on Friday and city schools have now started drawing up a list of those who are still left to pay. Lawyers of these schools will submit the names of defaulters with details of their arrears to the court before September 2, when the next hearing is likely to happen.

Kol: Schools prepare list of defaulting parents
The three- week period that the Calcutta High Court had allowed to defaulting parents for paying at least 50% of the pending tuition fee arrears came to an end on Friday and city schools have now started drawing up a list of those who are still left to pay. Lawyers of these schools will submit the names of defaulters with details of their arrears to the court before September 2, when the next hearing is likely to happen.