Hyd: Lockdown, vax drive hit thalassemia patients hard
Hyd: Lockdown, vax drive hit thalassemia patients hard
Ongoing lockdown clubbed with Covid vaccination drives have dried up blood reserves at several blood banks in the city as well as districts. With a 35%-40% shortage of supply, many patients are hit, worst being thalassemia patients. Many children with thalassemia, with critically low haemoglobin levels below 5, were awaiting blood transfusion for over a month now, severly affecting their quality of life and posing a threat to their life.
Ongoing lockdown clubbed with Covid vaccination drives have dried up blood reserves at several blood banks in the city as well as districts. With a 35%-40% shortage of supply, many patients are hit, worst being thalassemia patients. Many children with thalassemia, with critically low haemoglobin levels below 5, were awaiting blood transfusion for over a month now, severly affecting their quality of life and posing a threat to their life.