Govt sets sights on commercial cultivation of jackfruit trees

Famed for its nutritive benefits, the jackfruit is recognised world over as a superfood and a perfect alternative to those wanting to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. Taking note of this increasing awareness, director of agriculture Nevil Alphonso said that plans are afoot to promote jackfruit cultivation on a commercial scale in Goa. This year, around 30 to 40 hectare of land will be brought under jackfruit cultivation in the state, he said.

Govt sets sights on commercial cultivation of jackfruit trees
Famed for its nutritive benefits, the jackfruit is recognised world over as a superfood and a perfect alternative to those wanting to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. Taking note of this increasing awareness, director of agriculture Nevil Alphonso said that plans are afoot to promote jackfruit cultivation on a commercial scale in Goa. This year, around 30 to 40 hectare of land will be brought under jackfruit cultivation in the state, he said.