Goa: After Tauktae battering, historic Monte chapel in urgent need of repairs
Goa: After Tauktae battering, historic Monte chapel in urgent need of repairs
A historic chapel over 500 years old may be among the state’s most prized heritage assets hit by Cyclone Tauktae. The Chapel of Our Lady of the Monte, built in 1519, may be in for an “avoidable tragedy” is corrective action isn’t taken immediately, said Fr Alfred Vaz, president of the Se Cathedral chapter.
A historic chapel over 500 years old may be among the state’s most prized heritage assets hit by Cyclone Tauktae. The Chapel of Our Lady of the Monte, built in 1519, may be in for an “avoidable tragedy” is corrective action isn’t taken immediately, said Fr Alfred Vaz, president of the Se Cathedral chapter.