As core engineering seats go abegging, professors in Telangana...
In Telangana, a major reduction in core engineering seats has led experienced professors...
Denied leave, Telangana Special Police constable attempts...
Nageshwar Rao, a constable with the TGSP III Battalion in Hyderabad, attempted self-immolation...
West Bengal’s housing scheme to be more flexible than PMAY
To counter PMAY, West Bengal government plans a rural housing scheme granting Rs...
Internal reservation for SCs: Karnataka forms panel, puts...
The state cabinet has approved a commission led by a retired high court judge to...
To hoist or not: Government’s Karnataka flag mandate triggers...
Citizens are confused over the protocols for hoisting the Kannada flag on Kannada...
'I didn’t even blink': Bengaluru teen rescued after 22-hour...
Nineteen-year-old S Hamsa Gowda spent 22 hours in chest-high water after falling...